Upcoming Shows

  P E R F O R M A N C E S

WITH   J U M P I N’   J U B A

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 Tues.  March 18, 2025:   Callahan Senior Center  
 2pm        535 Union Ave. Framingham  MA  01867    508-532-5980   https://www.framinghamma.gov/360/Callahan-CenterSenior-Services


Thur.  Jan. 2, 2025:   Reading Senior Center  
1pm              49 Pleasant St.  Reading,  MA  01867   781-942-6794  


      *    *   *   *    *   *   *   2 0 2 4     *    *   *   *   *   *   *

Fri. Aug. 30, 2024:   Tyngsborough Senior Center  
12pm              169 Westford Rd.,  Tyngsborough, MA 01879
978-649-9211   tyngsboroughma.gov/266/Senior-Center
Supported by a grant from the TYNGSBOROUGH Cultural Council


Mon. Sept. 23:   Wareham Senior Center  
12 noon     48 Marion Rd.,  Wareham, MA 02571
508-291-3130    https://www.wareham.ma.us/council-aging
Supported by a grant from the Wareham Cultural Council


FRI. SEPT. 27:  CHICOPEE Senior Center
1:30pm   RiverMills Center  5 West Main St.  Chicopee  MA   01020
 413-534-3698    www.chicopeema.gov/202/Council-on-Aging-COA
Supported by a grant from the CHICOPEE Cultural Council


SAT. SEPT. 28:  HOLBROOK Public Library
12:30pm    2 Plymouth St.  Holbrook  MA   02343
781-767-3644     https://www.holbrookpubliclibrary.org
Supported by a grant from the HOLDEN Cultural Council


MON. SEPT 30:  SHREWSBURYSenior Center
12:30pm  98 Maple Ave.  Shrewsbury  MA  01545   508-841-8640    
Supported by a grant from the SHREWSBURY Cultural Council

THUR.  OCT. 24, 2024:  MIDDLEBOROUGH Senior Center
1pm    558 Plymouth St.  Middleborough  MA  02346   

FRI. OCT. 25, 2024:  Medford Senior Center
1pm    101 Riverside Ave.  Medford  MA  02155   781-396-6010
Supported by a grant from the Medford Cultural Council

6:30pm    236 Main St.  Southbridge  MA  02155   508-764-5426
Supported by a grant from the Southbridge Cultural Council,
a local agency, funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council,
a state agency 67